About the Foundation

Mission Statement

Our mission is to identify and implement programmes for sustainable development in Jamaica and the Diaspora in the areas of health, environment and education. The appropriate programmes and projects will then be funded by grants from EHF and its strategic partners.


Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in enhancing the quality of people's lives.

The Environmental Health Foundation (EHF) is a private, independent grant-making organization dedicated to providing strategic investments and support to groups and individuals with the aim of improving the health, environment, and educational status of Jamaicans. Through the support it provides, the Foundation fosters innovation particularly in the field of science and technology and the development of knowledge, helps strengthen institutions, and provides information to the general public mostly via its publications, meetings, lectures, as well as through the media.

The Foundation makes grants through four (4) programmes:

HealthThe Health Programme promotes the health and well-being of the Jamaican people and strengthens disadvantaged communities by focusing on health care, health services and health research.


EducationThe Education Programme supports projects that help disadvantaged children, particularly those aged between 0-8 years, to gain and improve knowledge and skills to reach economic self-sufficiency and remain active learners.


EnvironmentThe Environment Programme supports strategies that protect and preserve the environment and help people live healthy and productive lives.


S And TThe Science & Technology Programme supports innovation to enhance health, education and environmental development, and knowledge generation as a catalyst to stimulate socio-economic activities that will result in improving and sustaining the quality of life.


In undertaking these Programmes, the Foundation benefits from collaboration and in forging partnerships with other organizations and individuals whose values are similar to those of the Foundation and who understand and share its commitment to enhancing the quality of people's lives. Our common goal as partners is to contribute to the eradication of poverty. Absolute poverty provides scant basis either for the maintenance of traditional society or for any further development of participation in civic life and governance.

Since its establishment, the EHF has evolved as one of Jamaica 's leading and well-known Foundations and has awarded numerous grants since it began operations in 1992. To date, the Foundation has managed or supported over 40 major projects in Jamaica, with significant results in terms of benefits particularly to children. Since 2008, the Foundation has administered over US$1M in grants. The Foundation also earns some revenue from provision of a variety of services.

The Environmental Health Foundation was established on October 15, 1992 by members of the Blue Cross of Jamaica (BCJ) Board of Trustees and community members who wanted an independent organization which would be able to contribute to the Jamaican society in various ways. It is significant to note that the Foundation's financial strength and its strategic development allowed it to take control of the Board of BCJ from Independence Blue Cross (IBC) of Philadelphia, USA, in March 2004.
