EHF/UWI Lead Poison Research
The Department of Physics at the University of the West Indies (UWI) has partnered with EHF to spearhead a follow-up project aimed at assessing and reducing the levels of lead contamination in Fraser’s Content, St. Catherine. EHF provides support through co-funding, as well as monitoring.
The project aims:
- To identify the extend of the current lead contamination in soils and indoor/outdoor dust;
- To develop an environmental lead hazard map including smelters;
- Screening of blood lead levels of children and pregnant women at-risk;
- Development and dissemination of lead-safe educational materials;
It is expected that the following will be achieved, upon completion of the project:
- Extent of current lead contamination in soils and indoor/outdoor dust ascertained;
- Environmental lead hazard map, including smelters, developed;
- Blood lead levels of children and pregnant women at-risk screened;
- Backyard lead smelting practices at Fraser's Content surveyed.
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