Professor the Hon Errol Morrison
Professor the Hon Errol Morrison OJ, Hon LLD, Hon DSc (Cambridge,UK), MD, PhD,FRCP (Glasg), FACP(USA), FRSM(UK), FRSH(UK), FJIM, FICD
Jamaica's chief scientist functioning as Advisor to the Prime Minister and Director General of the National Commission on Science and Technology(2015-).
As a biochemist, he has conducted extensive research on indigenous medicinal plants as potential therapeutic agents in Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension. This period of research spanned 1979-1999 and yielded over 20 doctoral graduates supervised by him.
As a physician he has specialised in endocrinology and metabolic diseases and has carried out region-wide studies on Diabetes in the Caribbean. For this he was awarded the Queen's gold medal to the British Commonwealth for distinguished service to diabetes mellitus locally and internationally (2006); and also the Hellmut Mehnert UNESCO/International Diabetes Federation(IDF) prize(2011).
Renown for his philanthropy, research and medical services he was awarded the Gold Musgrave medal (1998) and was honoured by the government of Jamaica with the conferment of the Order of Jamaica(2001).
Past appointments include: Chair of the IDF North America & the Caribbean Region (1996-2002); Pro Vice Chancellor(Graduate Studies), University of the West Indies(1999-2007); President of the University of Technology,Jamaica (2007-2015).
He has written over 200 peer reviewed scientific publications, 20 books and technical reports.
He is married with 8 daughters and enjoys reading and public speaking.
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